Monday 18 July 2011

Elliott is 4 - The story so far...

This weekend was Elliott's 4th birthday.

We had a big party with tons of friends and family, a bouncy castle, some amazing cakes and plenty of laughs.
Elliott got his first ever bike. I remember the day I got my first bike :)

He's grown into the sweetest, kindest, funniest little boy. We love him to bits.

The lovely Emma Case took photos at the party and I'll post those here soon but for now, I just wanted to show a few pictures of Elliott's life so far...

Elliott meets Duffy and grabs her boob!

Elliott meets Taylor Swift... and blanks her!

They grow up so fast!

Two photos taken yesterday by Emma... :)

Happy 4th birthday, Elliott Gerrard :)


Pregnancy photos by Bridget McCann.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Introducing... Jonas

27th July 2010

Jonas from Steve Gerrard on Vimeo.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Monday 30 November 2009


Voici un autre petit video de Isaac.

Here is another little video of Isaac.

Friday 20 November 2009

Isaac se promene / Isaac is getting around

Le 16 novembre, Isaac a commence a marcher a quatre pattes comme il faut. Il est maintenant rendu dans les plantes ou en train de manger tout ce qu'il trouve a terre! Il est toujours autant souriant et il nous fait beaucoup rire. Il est trop cute!! Voici un petit video de ses nouvelles prouesses :)

On the 16th of November, Isaac started crawling properly. He is now always in the plants or eating anything he finds on the floor. He is as always a very happy giggly baby and he makes us laugh every day. He is just too cute!! Here is a little video of him crawling :)

Friday 2 October 2009

Monkey Forest

Il y a quelques semaines, on est aller a "Monkey Forest". C'est un sanctuaire pour singe. Ils ont cloturer une partie de foret alors, les singes sont "en liberte" et se promene ou il veulent et font leur vie de singe. Il y avait aussi des bebes et c'etait l'fun de les regarder aller!

A few weeks back, we went to "Monkey Forest. It's a sort of sanctuary for monkeys. They closed off a part of a forest (very beautiful in it's own right) so the monkeys are pretty much "free". They just walk around doing what monkeys do (no not just that). There were a few baby monkeys which were just soooo cute. Watching them just make us realise how much their behavior is pretty much the same as us.



Elliott qui imite le singe ou le singe qui imite Elliott??!! / Elliott imitating the monkey or the monkey imitating Elliott??!!


Mes singes prefere du monde!! / My favorite monkeys in the whole world!!!

Monkey-Forest-(113-of-47)Monkey-Forest-(115-of-47)Monkey-Forest-(114-of-47)Monkey-Forest-(117-of-47)Monkey Forest (105 of 47)Monkey-Forest-(118-of-47)Monkey-Forest-(119-of-47)Monkey-Forest-(120-of-47)Monkey-Forest-(104-of-47)Monkey-Forest-(103-of-47)

Monkey business


C'est le temps de manger et s'amuser en famille / Time for some grub and some family fun


