Sunday 19 October 2008

Fille ou garcon? \ Boy or girl?

Vendredi matin, on est aller a l'hopital pour notre scan de 20 semaines. Le scan s'est tres bien passe le bebe semble en sante et il a tout ses petits morceaux et un morceau d'extra :) Et oui! On va avoir un autre ptit gars, yippi! Alors, on doit commencer a chercher pour un nom, si vous avez des idees n'hesiter pas.

Friday morning, we went to the hospital for our 20 weeks scan. The scan went really well and seems like the baby is healthy and got all it's little bits, in fact it got an extra little one :) We are having another little boy, yippi! So we started looking for names if you have any ides please let us know.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

How about Jean-Claude for a name...
