Monday 4 May 2009

Elliott dans un grand lit / Elliott in his toddler bed

Il y a deux semaines, on a changer Elliott de chambre pour qu'il puisse avoir son lit de grand et Isaac sa propre chambre. Pour sa premiere nuit, on a penser que lui donner des nouveaux livres (il adore les livres) lui ferait aimer son nouveau lit un peu mieux. Il a pleurer un peu la premiere nuit mais en gros tout s'est tres bien passer et il y est maintenant bien habituer.

2 weeks ago, we changed Elliott from the small room to the front room so that he could get his own big boy bed and Isaac his own little place. For his first night, we thought that giving him some news books (he loveeeeess books) would ease the move and make it a fun experience. He cried a bit for his first night but overall it wasn't so bad. He is now happy to be in his new bedroom.


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